

Sunday - 9AM Sunday School & 10AM Worship Service

United Women in Faith


"The United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experince freedom as

whole persons through Jesus Christ: to develop a creative, supportive fellowship: and to expand concepts of mission through

participation in the global ministries of the church."

Out of the purpose are four mission focuses that relate to the mission initiatives and priorities of United Women in Faith.

- To be a community of women

-To know God

-To develop a creative and supportive fellowship

-To expand concepts of mission

Our UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH local group (Mary Circle) is a part of the Spoon River District and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference.

Mary Circle: President - Sandy Shimmin

Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. with different hostess and leaders each month.

For more information on our Mary Circle, please contact the church office and we will forward your inquiries to our Mary Circle members.

***Name change: The United Methodist Women is now United Women in Faith!  The move is part of a refreshing of the organization that includes a new logo and an array of new and improved programs to nurture current members and welcome women to join to put their love in action on behalf of women, children, and youth.

The organization announced the new operating name in the March-April edition of Response, its bimonthly magazine for members, and launched the rebrand with a new website at www.uwfaith.org

The new programs are fruits of research conducted over the past five years with more than 24,000 United Methodist and women of other Christian traditions participating in the surveys, focus groups and interviews.  This input informed the prayerful discernment of staff and elected leaders.

The changes are designed to address the different needs and life stages of current members and new women and expand options for membership and engagement.  The new name also aims to welcome current members whose local churches may choose to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church as well as women of other faith traditions who want to join.

United Methodist Quilters:

This group meets every Tuesday at Alyce's home from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  This group makes BEAUTIFUL prayer quilts, receiving blankets, pillowcase dresses, diapers, feminine kits, and many other handsewn gifts.  Our prayer quilts are given to recipients who are in need of prayers, comfort, support, and love. Quilts have been gifted across the country and world!  "Handsewn and wrapped in Love."

Many of the handmade items that this group makes are sent abroad as part of our World Wide Ministries.  Come and join us!  

There is a job for everyone!!