Sunday School Classes


Sunday - 9AM Sunday School & 10AM Worship Service

Sunday School Classes 

Fairview Center has a Sunday School class for all ages!

Pre-k, Upper Elementary, Jr. High, High School, Young Adults and Senior Adult Sunday School classes meet before morning worship

at 9:00 a.m. During the months of July and August,  we do not meet for Sunday School.  We also have a nursery, and nursery services are available upon request.

During the month of June, we conduct Family Vacation Bible School on each Sunday in June. We are very blessed to have a beautiful outdoor pavilion in our back yard to hold outside worship services while the weather permits. This is our location for our Vacation Bible School!

We welcome you to join us on Sundays.  If you need more information on our Sunday School Classes, please contact the church office and we will be happy to answer your questions.