

Sunday - 9AM Sunday School & 10AM Worship Service

We Look Forward To Meeting You!

Welcome to Fairview Center United Methodist Church.  We look forward to having you join us for worship!

We are a group of Christians who want to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and encourage others to grow and walk with Him.

Fairview Center United Methodist Church, Our Worship Services

Whether it be through Pastor Mark's sermons, our beautiful music,  and our plentiful prayers of grace and thanksgiving, God's word is  at the center of all our worship services.  When weather permits, we are very blessed to enjoy outside worship services in our beautiful pavilion.  Whether we worship inside or outside, our services are built around Biblical themes that are timeless.

 We would be delighted to have you come and join us for worship!

Everyone is welcome!

No matter your family dynamics, you are welcome at Fairview Center United Methodist Church and we are  excited for you to consider being a part of our church family! Our intent is to serve the whole family.  During our worship service we enjoy seeing the children of our church as they collect their "Penny March".  Afterwards,  Pastor Mark is known for his amazing and entertaining "Treasures From God's Box" children's time.   Our children are cherished and are truly our blessing!

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belong to such as these." Matthew 19:14


From the pulpit you will hear sound expository preaching from Pastor Mark. The focus of each sermon is built around the point of the Biblical text being addressed.

Biblical Teaching

Here at Fairview Center United Methodist Church, we place a high priority on the preaching and teaching of God's Word. The worship service is a time for us to come together as a community to learn, be encouraged and to be challenged by God's Word. Other opportunities exist beyond the Sunday worship service where members have a chance to grow, fellowship, or otherwise be a part of a Church family that lives out their faith together.